There She Goes: Catching Up, From Paris!
Hello From Paris! (Though the top photo is Barcelona)
A silly photo from my last trip to Paris!
The past few weeks have been a whirlwind of life and travel for both Brooke and I, which has certainly impacted the sending time of this newsletter.
Personally, I traveled from Mallorca to Barcelona, and shortly thereafter headed home to the US for a wedding, then flew to Paris for leg 2 of our trip. My partner, James and I also announced our engagement to our family and friends, so it’s been a joyous celebration as we go along.
We will likely be sending out the newsletter on Wednesdays now, and I hope it’ll bring some reading enjoyment during the hump of the week.
Songs To Stitch To, Sing To, Get You Through The Week
Walking the streets of Barcelona
Set Aside Some Time This Week For Some Self-Care
Self massage. Using just your hands or something as simple as a tennis ball, you can work certain trigger points and break up myofascial tissue for a nice release this week! Get your guide here!
Sleep in if your body asks for it. I’m usually a rise-with-the-sun kinda girl but this week my body felt like it needed a longer rest. It can be tough when there is so much to see and do and the sun is out longer. If you have the luxury of time, cancel your early morning weekend plans, black out your windows, and honor your sleep!
Watch a show that makes you laugh. While I was home with my family, I was spending time with my sister like we used to— watching funny shows. This time it was reruns of Friends. I always forget how fun it can be to watch a comedy, especially a throwback, and just laugh by yourself or with others. Indulge in some funny videos or a funny show this week and laugh to your heart’s delight.
Uplifting Things Happening Around The World
A free vegan food truck is opening on Skid Row in Los Angeles. Jayden Smith, actor, song writer, and activist just launched “I Love You Restaurant” , which will be the first of many vegan popups.
There is a new baby southern resident orca! A female killer whale from the southern resident population just gave birth to a female whale. This is great news, as there are just 76 of these endangered whales are left!
New device can use sunlight to produce electricity and simultaneously purify water. This is huge in light of the struggle for clean drinking water, as typical water purifiers require large amounts of electricity and infrastructure.
Sunday Salutations
Hiking in New Hampshire during our short visit
“Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor.” — Thich Nhat Hanh
“Relationships are a lot like chairs: A good one supports you without it needing to be obvious; a great one makes you realize the support you were getting before wasn’t enough” — James Simone from the blog post on Traveling and Relationships.
“Stress doesn’t go with my outfit” —unknown but awesome
Have a stellar week everyone!
Be well,