There She Goes: Tarpon Kit Magic

Hello & Happy Wednesday!

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I’m sending extra healing energy to all of you as I write this — on the heels of the George Floyd case verdict as well as the killing of young Ma’Khia. Hold your loved ones tight, be kind, give yourself extra rest and self loving this week (& always).

I hope that this newsletter brings you a respite from your busy week and that you find a few treasures in here to make you smile.

For those of you craving a little more self love and community in your lives, I am launching a new workshop series with my friend and reiki practitioner. We kick off May 9th! Click here for details. 💕

Let’s jump in!

Kit Spotlight

Songs To Stitch To, Sing To, Get You Through The Week

I. Back To Black — BENEE

II. Numb (Teddy Geiger Remix) — Slyvan Esso

III. I Could Spend A Lifetime — deadman, Begonia, E.GG

Set Aside Some Time This Week For Some Self-Care 

I. Reserve time this week where you won’t be receiving input from news, social media, etc. What would you like to commit to - 30 minutes? 1 hour? 3 hours? Choose what feels good and try it!

II. Send a “just thinking of you” text to a loved one. It can make a world of difference for your connection.

III. Remember that self care does not need to mean “doing” something and it also can be very personal. This week note down what self care looks like for you as an individual.

Soulful Salutations

I.“I do believe we’re all connected. I do believe in positive energy. I do believe in the power of prayer. I do believe in putting good out into the world. And I believe in taking care of each other.”⁣⁣ — Harvey Fierstein

II. “We are not meant to be perfect, we are meant to be whole.” — Jane Fonda

III. “I'm a woman | Phenomenally. | Phenomenal woman, | That's me.” — Maya Angelou

Uplifting Things Happening Around The World

I. The USDA’s national school meal program will be extending free school lunch for students out to June of 2022.

II. A new pilot program in Los Angeles will offer $1,000 monthly payments to 2,000 low-income families. I found this quote my mayor Garcetti to be especially powerful — “How many decades are we going to keep fighting a war on poverty with the same old results,” Garcetti said. “This is one of the cheapest insertions of resources to permanently change people’s lives.” (Bloomberg)

III. Love this story : Employees of Zoho, an international software company decided to turn their Austin headquarters into a fully functioning farm!

Brooke’s Bookshelf

Did you watch This Is A Robbery the Netflix series that we mentioned last week? If you enjoyed it, you may enjoy these follow ups!

The Art Forger by B.A. Shapiro (Book) A fictional narrative around what could have potentially happened.

Last Seen by The Boston Globe (Podcast)

Do It For The Process by Emily Jeffords (Podcast) - Episode How To Create Authentic Art (Copying in Art, Part 1): This podcast was really healing for me. As someone who has spent over a decade working thoughtfully to cultivate a style and a body of work that I'm proud of, it breaks my heart beyond belief when derivatives of my company pop up. Imitation is not flattery. Full stop. I am so grateful for this podcast because I feel like Emily, not only is an expert in her field, but it truly captures how hurtful it can be, while also providing helpful information on how to create art without harm. The follow up episode is great for when it inevitably does happen to you. I almost threw in the towel a dozen times in the last year for lack of integrity in the needlepoint industry and I'm not ashamed to admit when I've caused harm. I highly recommend this podcast to any and all humans who love and appreciate art. She does such a good job in a graceful way, much more than I'm capable of, in explaining how to carve out your niche.

- Written by Brooke