Bermuda, Bahama, Come On Pretty Mama...


I couldn’t believe my eyes.

As I sat in the back of a cab from the airport with my friend Christina, I fell deeply for the hues of blues all around me. I was in Bermuda.

Colorful homes sprinkled the hills as if we were in Positano and the water sparkled on either side of us as we made our way to our destination. We chatted about her travels and her career in implementing renewable energy on islands and I treasured her experiences and questions to our driver about life on the island. How cool of a job is that?

Channeling my other favorite island, Boca Grande with these vibrant yellow and white striped umbrellas

Channeling my other favorite island, Boca Grande with these vibrant yellow and white striped umbrellas

After a few winding roads, we pull up to our place of stay. Checked in, dropped our bags and I immediately opened my door to this spectacular view. This is what happiness looks like.

Have you ever done that? Have a big beaming smile on your face, feel the sun on your nose and think, yup, that’ll do?

I was lucky to have just shy of a handful of parents who raised us to believe that the beach heals your soul and the ocean heals your wounds. Have a cut? Go for a swim, the saltwater will help it heal.


This was the place and I had so much gratitude to be there.

I love my job deeply. Although it requires every part of me and leaves me with little free time, it is so incredibly fulfilling. Just no one ever tells you how emotionally, physically and mentally draining it could be. I declared myself “off duty” and did my best to switch of “work mode” in my brain. Burn out is real, but the only burn I wanted from that weekend was from the sun.

A Room With A View

A Room With A View


On most trips, I work throughout. There is a guilt that comes over me as well as an opportunity cost. If I don’t do it, it doesn’t get done. It’s a lot of weight to carry. I typically have my computer with me and take the time to edit photographs, reply to emails, sketch out new ideas, reorganize orders, you name it. I wear many hats. Now that I think of it, I don’t know that I really stitched while I was there. I did however, stitch on the plane!

This time around, I decided to be where my feet were and allow myself to be in the present and enjoy this new place. I didn’t want to talk about work, I wanted to spend quality time with the fabulous humans Katy has in her life and enjoy the magic. I wanted to drink cocktails all day and dance the night away. Maybe even go for a skinny dip or two.

Leading up to the nuptials, our days were spent on the beach. As guests arrived, we could be found reading, sipping on cocktails, snorkeling, catching up, needlepointing, floating in tubes until we drifted to coral reefs.


Shortly after breakfast, we were parked exactly where we were meant to be. With our feet in the sand, drinking Aperol Spritzes, Piña Coladas, Rum Punches and even a new concoction by which we were later informed was defacing the the national drink of Bermuda. (Insert laughing emoji) My friends Catherine and Jess brilliantly switched out the Ginger Beer for a kinder variation and added a splash of cranberry. You could say it provided a beautiful twist on the classic Dark & Stormy.

The Magnificent Lady Louise even managed to find a ride to the beach in style with a cocktail in each hand just shy of high noon. When I grow up, I want to be just like Louise.


Jessica Chaney of Lycette taught me how to do a French Knot on the beach and my life is forever changed- thank you, Jessica!

Viva La Riva Rosé

Viva La Riva Rosé

I was even gifted a bottle of Riva Rosé, an on island brut rosé, after my curiosity lead me to asking a duo of gentlemen taking pictures what they were up to. Turns out they owned the label and were seeking content. Here you go, dudes!

Stitching away in effort of making the finishing deadline in time for the wedding!

Stitching away in effort of making the finishing deadline in time for the wedding!

Taking a peek pre-gifting to the bride before her bachelorette

Taking a peek pre-gifting to the bride before her bachelorette

New friends, old friends, haven’t seen each other in ages friends. It was a gas and I feel so lucky to have been part of it.

In a similar fashion to Kristen Bell, I am a 4-7 on the emotional scale. This means, if I’m not between that range, I’m crying. Crying with tears of joy, tears from aching, belly laughs and tears from a lesbian Las Vegas commercial that always seems to make me well up. I just love love, okay?

Emily chasing after a rooster on the side of the road in espadrilles and me trying to catch up in heels… photo by @lycettedesigns

Emily chasing after a rooster on the side of the road in espadrilles and me trying to catch up in heels… photo by @lycettedesigns

Bridesmaids calming nerves with a little Stitch n’ Hitch before the ceremony. Katy selected these beautiful India Amory robes for herself and as gifts for these beautiful ladies!

Bridesmaids calming nerves with a little Stitch n’ Hitch before the ceremony. Katy selected these beautiful India Amory robes for herself and as gifts for these beautiful ladies!

A custom design for dear Katy in collaboration with friend Christina! This sweet girl waited until after the ceremony to stitch her initials- one cannot impose on another’s superstition!

A custom design for dear Katy in collaboration with friend Christina! This sweet girl waited until after the ceremony to stitch her initials- one cannot impose on another’s superstition!

A little pre-wedding silliness! This Parisian bag was a gift from great friend Abby Yozell of Choix Home!

A little pre-wedding silliness! This Parisian bag was a gift from great friend Abby Yozell of Choix Home!


Love was truly in the air and everything about this magical place created the perfect atmosphere for this next chapter for our girl and her guy. Better yet, guess how I got to meet such a splendid bunch? You guessed it, needlepoint. It was only appropriate that such a beautiful bride celebrate the occasion with a handful of heirlooms.


This was my first friend’s wedding and Katy, you really raised the bar. Some fabulous notes I will take with me are:

  • Nothing can beat a great band

  • A late night bonfire is the perfect way to cap an ethereal evening- bonus points if one is handed grilled cheeses and sliders until dawn

  • Hand rolled Cubans with your monogram is a thoughtful, wickedly brilliant touch

  • Don’t book your flight for 9:30 in the morning the following day…

  • Everyone should get married in Bermuda

    Here’s to you, Katy & Nick, it is evident how wonderful you both are by all of the tears shed and smiling faces. Let’s do this again soon, okay?

    xo, Brooke

Brooke McGowan