Feel Good News, Music, Movement, & More

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Invisible hands — If you’re in the NYC and consider yourself to be in a low-risk demographic this amazing organization, set up just days ago, delivers groceries and supplies to those in high-risk demographics

Consider fostering a pet during this time

Helpful Articles

Harvard’s Coronavirus Resource Center

CDC Guide To Manage Stress & Anxiety

Five Ways To Protect Your Energy (written by Sheila)

Three Steps To Manage Your Inner Monologue (written by Sheila)

Taking Care Of Yourself In Quarantine

Good News

Tanks Good News

Good News Movement


To Make You Laugh/Feel 💙 Warmed

10 Animal Webcams To Watch

The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon: “At Home Edition”

Anything Ellen DeGeneres is posting

Movement & Meditation

Yoga For Anxiety

Yoga For An Open Heart

Cor Power — currently offering free classes online to all while studios are closed

Do Yoga With Me — hours of free online classes

Yoga with Adriene — my personal favorite YouTube yogi

Headspace — offering free Headspace Premium to healthcare professionals during the 2020 year

Simple Habit — offering free premium meditation memberships to those that are affected by COVID-19 and cannot afford to pay for the membership.

Calm — a meditation app I’ve used that has a decent selection of free meditations

Insight Timer — another app I’ve used with free guided meditations


10% Happier — if you are searching for meaning and mindfulness tricks

Happier — for good feels & tips

TED Radio Hour — if you want to explore life’s biggest questions

The Simple Sophisticate — for tips to create an luxurious life on an everyday budget


Did you check out John Legend’s live concert the other day? We loved all the laughs and uplifting energy from he and our dream bff Chrissy Teigen

Thorn Alexander Spotify station, especially playlists like Good Vibes Only & Meditation Station

Global Citizen — typically a feed for activism and global good, currently featuring a handful of artists performing in their homes, like John Legend & Chris Martin

Happy Folk — another fun Spotify playlist to try

Self Care

Loving alllll of the Vogue Skin Care videos. This one in particular is with Hilary Duff!

Spend an hour soaking up a novel from your bookshelf or see what might be available for free on Kindle.

Look at / surround yourself with colors that make you feel relaxed. Science shows that colors can have a powerful impact on us, psychologically, emotionally, and even physically. While colors like red can trigger a stress response, light blues and yellows can make you calmer and inspire joy. This color theory is one of the three major reasons Brooke chose grayish blue for her branding! It was also a favorite of her great-grandmother’s, Martha Alexandra Thorn.

Step outside and take a breath of fresh air. Being outdoors can provide an invaluable sense of calm & promotes health!

Write a thank you note … to yourself. We write notes of gratitude to others but have you ever written one to yourself? If you don’t know what else to say, thank yourself for showing self compassion, for believing in yourself, for being kind to others, and then make sure you continue to do those things.

One of Brooke’s mentors, Amy Thebault spends some time each birthday to write a list of gratitude and a letter of intention for her next year around the sun. She also reads what she wrote to herself the year before and see how much she has grown. Try even writing to yourself for six months from now.

Power Pose Like a Bada$$: Have you tried power posing? Evidence suggests that standing in a position of power, even in moments of perceived weakness, can impact your feelings of confidence and power. Amy Cuddy gave a TED Talk on this and, though findings are mixed, I’ll leave it to you to test if it works on you as an individual. That’s all that matters!

Mantra-it-out: Do you know that mantras can actually be a very powerful tool in calming anxiety and offering powerful energy? Choose a mantra and repeat it to yourself for a day, or for a week and see how you feel! Examples: Everything is unfolding exactly how it should; I am powerful and bold; I am my own inspiration; I am appreciating the little joys today; I bring light wherever I go.

Turn on your favorite song and sing loudly! Did you know that singing increases endorphin release and reduces cortisol levels? 


Keeping Busy:

Shit That I Knit has a Quarantine Knitting Kit/Group! While waiting for the materials to make their way to Canada, Brooke joined STIK’s private Facebook community group and safely acquired knitting materials from a local shop across the street. It’s safe to say she will now be attempting to knit a blanket… or five…but no, really. It’s so much fun to see community come together while we are apart. STIK shared some tips with us and we are excited to launch our very own virtual needlepoint club!

Take scrap pieces of paper and write as many activities you enjoy doing (or even chores you’re not so keen on) and cut them into individual slips. Fold and put the slips of paper into a bowl or accessible vessel. Whenever you find yourself needing motivation to do something, pull a slip from the bowl.

Give watercoloring a whirl! In college we used to love watercoloring blots of colors or washes and draw on top of them- both abstract and detailed. Even if you just outline the blobs of color, the process can be really therapeutic!

Make cards and letters for your loved ones. Doodle on the envelopes, share some of your favorite memories, dye your paper, create your own marbling with food coloring and shaving cream. Brooke treasures her letters more than almost anything else and makes every effort to tangible messages for Mr. Oceans for both special milestones and no reason at all.

Take Yale’s most popular class on increasing happiness 😊 — The Science of Well-being

Sheila MurrayComment