There She Goes: Sale Ends at Midnight!

Hello & Happy Wednesday!

Hello and welcome to another weekly edition of There She Goes, a newsletter that I embarked on writing for you during the Spring of 2019, right before traveling for 5 months, and ever since I’ve been sharing weekly updates, uplifting tidbits, and stories. If you’re new - welcome! If you’ve been here since the beginning - thank you for continuing to join us!

This was a veryyy special week indeed, as the amazing, talented, Thorn Alexander founder, Brooke McGowan celebrated her birthday! To honor another trip around the sun, Brooke has given YOU a gift! In case you missed the email on Monday, we’re offering 20% off all products. The sale ends tonight at midnight! Buy yourself & a friend a few kits before the clock strikes 12, as sales are not done often around here! Use FORESTOFFRIENDS for 20% off. START SHOPPING!

Designs We’re Digging

Songs To Stitch To, Sing To, Get You Through The Week

Candied Daylight — Jennah Bell

Posssessed — Jeremiah Fraites

Waterfalls — Ten Fe

Set Aside Some Time This Week For Some Self-Care 

I. Listen to some feel-good tunes while doing absolutely nothing else.

II. Get yourself a brag buddy - celebrate each other’s amazing moments, text each other what you’re proud of, send each other aspirations for the future.

III. Set up “me time” and stick to it! 30 minutes - 1 hour of dedicated y o u time.

Soulful Salutations

I. “Be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars. In the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul.” — Max Ehrmann

II. “It's the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.” — Paulo Coelho

III. “Release your majestic mind, embrace your untamed inner spirit. Break free from captivity, you were born to be free.” – Melanie Mulle

Uplifting Things Happening Around The World

I. The city of St. Louis is planning to build a tiny home village to shelter the homeless!

II. It’s possible that the US could have two vaccines authorized for emergency use as early as December!  Both Moderna and Pfitzer have experimental vaccines that are both over 90% effective. 

III. Love this story - when a restaurant had to close for a period due to potential COVID19 exposure, their neighboring barbershop stepped up. Barbershop employees kept things going at the restaurant so that the business wouldn’t lose too much money.

Brooke’s Bookshelf


Written by Brooke McGowan, founder of Thorn Alexander

Book: Rupi Kaur's new Home Body released yesterday! I absolutely love her two previous works, Milk & Honey and The Sun and Her Flowers. They always seem to speak to me at different times in my life.

Podcast: Elaine Welteroth x Girlboss: Mentorship, Pursuing Multiple Career Dreams & Shaking Up the Magazine Industry

Podcast: How I Built This x Briogeo: Nancy Twine