There She Goes: Gifts That Give Back!

Hello & Happy thursday!


Hello beautiful humans. The newsletter has arrived - yay! I just recently returned from visiting with a childhood friend, and upon returning moved into a new home, so I had to delay the newsletter one day and I’m so glad you’re still reading!

Life has been moving fairly quickly, just in time to slow down for a quiet winter of hibernation. I hope that you all are staying safe & healthy and being extra kind to yourself and your neighbors.

I’m excited to share some goodies with you this week, from amazing holiday ornaments to Brooke’s Bookshelf recommendations. Let’s jump in!

Designs we’re digging

Holiday Stockings! This is our very first collection of finished products and each ornament you buy is actually giving back to a good cause. Right now I’m loving the design of A Floral Affair!

Vote 2020 E-Pattern. You need this! We’ve been so inspired seeing the creativity of your Vote 2020 projects. If you don’t have this E-pattern yet, make sure to grab it now! It’s the perfect thing to work on while you’re waiting for the results come next week.

Kits To Fuel Your Soul
Elizabeth Sunglasses Case

Birdie Kit

Harvest Moon Kit

Note: If you see a kit that you like and would rather have it as a canvas, simply email

Songs To Stitch To, Sing To, Get You Through The Week

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Bug Collector - Haley Heynderickx

Song to make you fall in love with me — Toth

Boys — Henry Jamison

Set Aside Some Time This Week For Some Self-Care 

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I. Write yourself a love note. Common, if you’ve written letters or even birthday cards for loved ones, you should take the time to give yourself a little written lovin’.

II. Create a vision board for November! What do you want to feel, achieve, or try for the first time? Write it down or create a board with images & colors!

III. Meal prep for the week ahead. Consider some fun meals you might want to try or simple favorites that are always delicious. This will leave more space in your mind for the week, since you’ll know exactly what you’ll be eating. Plus, you’ll have yummy meals to look forward to!

!!Soulful Salutations

“Breathe. Remember that it is okay if strength looks different season to season, day by day.⁣⁣
You are worth the quiet moment.⁣⁣
You are worth the deeper breath.⁣⁣
You are worth the time it takes⁣⁣
to slow down, be still, and rest.”

- Morgan Harper Nichols

Uplifting Things Happening Around The World

I. Two decades ago, Seattle’s Duwamish River was named one of the most toxic sites in the country. Now wildlife is returning and the water is cleaner than it’s been in 100 years!

II. Taiwan hit a record 200 days without any local transmission of COVID-19!

III. After Strand Bookstore (one of NYC’s oldest bookstores) asked for help from the public, 25,000 orders flooded in! “In-store, Strand made $170,550 in sales on Saturday and Sunday, Wyden said. By comparison, it lost $316,000 in September.” Wow!

Brooke’s Bookshelf

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Written by Brooke McGowan, founder of Thorn Alexander

Lately, I have not been reading as much as I would like. I am a big bookworm so I do still try to squeeze in twenty minutes before bedtime or have audiobooks playing while I paint. If only I could work and read the pile of books on my nightstand at the same time! More often than not, they are non-fiction so I like to indulge in reality/fictional film for play. I may or may not have just finished all of RHOBH :) 

Looking forward to watching The Queen’s Gambit on Netflix this weekend: I honestly, sometimes prefer to go into films or shows not knowing too much about the storyline and this is certainly one of them. It's not scary and has rave reviews, so that's good enough for me!

Rewatching The Crown in time for the next season (Netflix): The next season comes out the day before my birthday! I have a terrible memory, so I love rewatching series before the next season debuts. This will serve as a very welcome post-election treat!

My Next Guest with Dave Chapelle (Netflix): I love this series so very much and certainly love Dave Chapelle. This platform gives us so much insight into artists, musicians, actors, activists, etc. in an intimate way. I also love that Dave Letterman often intertwines personal narratives or social movements that these folx are fundamental in moving forward. We also enjoyed the episodes with Lizzo, Kim Kardashian and Robert Downey Jr. 

Borat: The Subsequent Movie Film (Amazon): Oh gosh, I remember seeing both the original Borat and Bruno in theaters... as a child... We were living in Houston and my dad was preeeeetty lax on the television we got to watch. I do think that this method organically helped me mature a biiiiiiit quicker. Over 14 years later, this rendition really brought to light some of the issues in America today in a compelling way. It also makes me v nervous for November 3rd. 

Fun fact: Hallmark has been filming a Christmas film in my neighborhood (a frequent happening) and it was a fun way to get into the wintery spirit despite Victoria's lack of snowfall each year.