There She Goes: Soul Stitching Through 2021

Hello & Happy Wednesday!


Welcome to another edition of There She Goes - a weekly newsletter meant to lift your spirits, peak your interest, and share exciting updates. If you’ve been around a while, thanks for being with us! If you’re new here, I’m so glad you’re here!

My name is Sheila and two years ago I teamed up with Thorn Alexander Founder, Brooke, to bring this community weekly bit of joy, as well as tails from my travels around the world. Though I am no longer living the nomadic lifestyle, I am grateful to continue spreading uplifting news, songs, and inspiration for the week. You can rest assured that whenever you receive a 💌 note from us, you’ll find at least one thing to smile about.

So you can put a face to a name, here is a photo of me & my rescue pup, Buckwheat! We live in Denver, CO with my fiancé.

Without further ado - let’s dive into this week’s goodies!

Designs We’re Diggin’

Birdie*(pictured) Kit is sold out but you can still scoop up the canvas right here!

Blue Moon Kit*

Mimi The Whale Kit*

Forest Festival Patterns E-Book - an instantly downloadable E-book that also gives back to charity? What’s not to love!

*Due to current shipping conditions, please allow 2-3 weeks to ship.

Songs To Stitch To, Sing To, Get You Through The Week


I. I Wonder — Ella Grace

II. You (feat. Marshmellow & Vance Joy) — Benny Blanco

III. On My Own — Will Pellerin

Set Aside Some Time This Week For Some Self-Care 


I. Make soothing cup of herbal tea and sip it mindfully.

II. Turn on some relaxing music in the morning to help you calmly and confidently flow into the day.

III. Take 5 minutes today to write down 3 things you love about yourself. Don’t hold back!

Bonus! On February 13th, I am leading a 75 minute workshop, Self Love First Love. This workshop is open to all womxn who would like to connect to their inner goddess, ignite their spark, and raise the vibration of their heart. Grab your spot here and feel free to DM me on Instagram with questions.

Soulful Salutations


I. “It’s no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.”― Lewis Carroll

II. “If we have the attitude that it’s going to be a great day it usually is.” — Catherine Pulsifier

III. “If you’re offered a seat on a rocket ship, don’t ask what seat! Just get on.” -– Sheryl Sandberg

Uplifting Things Happening Around The World

I. Stephen King donated over $6k to elementary students in Maine so they can publish their own books.

II. Alex Trebek’s extensive wardrobe was donated to The Doe Fund “an organization that provides paid work, housing, vocational training, continuing education, and comprehensive social services to underserved Americans with histories of addiction, homelessness, and incarceration.”

III. Love this story - An 8 year old called out NPR for their lack of dinosaur coverage and talking about “cool things.”

Brooke’s Bookshelf

The Spy by Paolo Coelho (Book): I love Paulo Coelho and started reading this book when my mom brought it home from the library years ago. I didn’t have the chance to read as much as I wanted to, so I ended up downloading it on my Kindle. And then we have those books that we file away until we have time or become inspired. Having seen the enthralling series about Mata Hari, the famous WWI Javanese dancer/spy, I knew it would be a great book. I’ve been slowly chipping away at it. The TV Series can be found on Amazon Prime.

Mad Men (TV Series): Growing up, my grandparents told otherworldly stories of their lives in Manhattan during the Mad Men Era. I won’t name drop, but now that they have since passed, it’s both nostalgic and exciting to watch a show that very much reflects parts of their lives. The fashion is *chef’s kiss* and January Jones certainly gives me Grace Kelley vibes. My fiancé and I have been enjoying watching a couple episodes most nights.

Malcom & Marie (Film on Netflix): This brand new Zendaya film was shot entirely during quarantine! Have been waiting to see this film since she announced it over the summer and can’t wait until I muscle through some big projects to really be able to pay attention. The film is shot in black-and-white and portrays her on-screen relationship with Malcom, played by David Washington.

written by Brooke