There She Goes: Connected by a Thousand Invisible Threads

Hello & Happy Wednesday!


WOW— time seems to be moving fast! After this weekend we’ll be more than halfway through the month of February. Wild. I hope that you give yourself a little love and compassion this week, to celebrate Valentine’s Day. Right now the politics can add a little extra stress to our daily lives, with the primaries and continuous debates, so find little ways to practice self-care and to make meaningful connections with those around you.

We have some beautiful back-in-action canvases for you, as well as two new blogs! Enjoy, friends!

Back in action

Songs To Stitch To, Sing To, Get You Through The Week

I’m totally vibing with Brooke’s recent doodle — see it on her insta

I’m totally vibing with Brooke’s recent doodle — see it on her insta

Japanese Ceremonial Tea (Interlude) — The Electric Sons

Consolations —Tow’rs


Set Aside Some Time This Week For Some Self-Care 

I. Stitch in the sun! Even if it may be cold where you are, find a window letting in beautiful light and enjoy it while you stitch stitch stitch your most recent canvas. Ever since arriving to Denver, Colorado, I’ve realized a change in my energy and I know that the sunlight plays a large part in that! There are definitely more sunny days here than there were in Boston, and I’ve been trying to take advantage as much as possible. Sunlight can be an extraordinary way to brighten you mood and give you energy.

II. Think about how connection = happiness. Research proves the power of social connection and it’s role in creating happiness. By opening ourselves to more connection, and deeper connections, we can find more joy!

III. Try this 5 minute self compassion meditation!

Soulful Salutations



“The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches but to reveal to him his own.” —Benjamin Disraeli

“We cannot live for ourselves alone. Our lives are connected by a thousand invisible threads, and along these sympathetic fibers, our actions run as causes and return to us as results.” —Herman Melville

“Do not feel lonely, the entire universe is inside you.” —Rumi

New Thread pairing Blog Posts!

Mimi The Whale

Plum Stitchery's Fox & Birches

Uplifting Things Happening Around The World

I. A New York deli cashier has been giving away free food by playing a math game with customers — if they answer correctly they get 5 seconds to grab whatever they want off the shelves. The video made my week!

II. Heavy rains in Australia are extinguishing the ongoing bush fires!

III. The Denver City Counsel just voted to end the city’s 30 year ban on pit bulls.

Have a great week!

Be well,