There She Goes: Lush Portland & Snapshots of Brooke's Adventure!
Hello From Oregon!
I am so excited to jump into this newsletter and share photos from the road (both Brooke's and mine!); uplifting things to move your week along, and some back-in-stock canvases.
Within the last week Brooke returned from hiking Mount Kilimanjaro and I started a 6-day intensive program in Portland. Through this newsletter, I’ll sprinkle in some of the beautiful photos Brooke captured on the road. In There She Goes, I’ll share a few musings related to where I am. Stay tuned till the end because I’ll be highlighting two canvases that I have a feeling you might want to check out before they’re out of stock once again!
All good things — Let’s get started.
Songs To Stitch To, Sing To, Get You Through The Week
Set Aside Some Time This Week For Some Self-Care
I. Do a dance! This week, during my coaching classes, I met some amazing people. One of them is a dance teacher and she even has some awesome dance videos out there. Well, after sitting for a long time in class, we asked her to teach us a dance to shake off the stagnant energy… and it was! I encourage you to take some time to dance and feel the joy of movement this week! Also check that amazing woman out here!
II. Listen to some jazz. This pairs well with cooking, working, and driving through traffic 😜
III. Today, choose a word, visual, or sound that brings you peace. During the week ahead, bring this to mind whenever you are in a moment of stress, anxiousness, anger, panic, etc. See how it serves you in bringing a sense of calm and getting you back into balance.
Uplifting Things Happening Around The World
I. A woman in Iowa has been honored for fostering more than 600 children.
II. HSBC bank introduced a “no-fixed-address” bank account option for people facing homelessness.
III. This is an amazing video about a blind mechanic in south-eastern Nigeria who is known to be the best, most reliable mechanic in his community!
Soulful Salutations
“You either walk inside your story and own it or you stand outside your story and hustle for your worthiness.” — Brené Brown
“We are always in a perpetual state of being created and creating ourselves.” — Dan Siegel
“Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.” — Desmond Tutu
There She Goes
Sharing some musings and fun from Portland
The beautiful garden behind a friend’s home
Sights that have made me say “WOW”
I. Things are so lush! When I thought of the Pacific Northwest, I imagined weather similar to what we get on the East Coast. Instead, I’m experiencing an area that’s both drier in terms of humidity and yet somehow it also rains everyday. It’s an area that cultivates so much life, versus gardens that die/hibernate in the winter — what I’m used to! In the area that I’m in, the majority of houses have little gardens, hanging plants on their porches, and raised garden beds growing all sorts of beautiful leafy greens! I love the feeling of fostering abundant plant life in a space considered to be urban.
II. Remember the time I told you about the underground speakeasy in London? Well Portland has an amazing underground drink scene of their own, in the form of wine caves! This one is called Les Caves and, if you visit Portland, I would highly recommend! Other than the unique wines from all over (local ones too!), the seating made me say “wow!” One of the areas to sit in was actually a little nook that you had to climb into … an hopefully not bump those enjoying their wine below!
III. This one is a bit silly but anyone who has visited will likely agree — tattoos … they’re everywhere! I’ve noticed them on coffee shop staff, yoga instructors, and people on the street. Someone in my program joked asking if, after being here for almost a week, I feel like I need my own. I’m not sure if I’m quite there yet, but there’s certainly beauty to be found in the way that the people of Portland / Oregon express themselves.
Fun Facts
I. Did you know that the name “Portland” was chosen on a coin toss? If the coin had landed on the other side, I would instead be writing about “Boston, Oregon”.
II. Portland is home to the world’s smallest park — it boasts a total area of 0.29 square meters!
III. On the other hand, Portland also has the largest forested park in the country within city limits.
More fun facts about Portland here.
Back In Action (&stock)
Whatever Makes Your Soul Happy, Do That & Madame Nicole
Have a stellar week everyone!
Be well,