There She Goes: Mountains —> Coast
Hello From Oregon!
Snow! Sun! Rain! Ocean! You can experience a multitude of ecosystems and climates in Oregon. This week I visited both the mountains and the coast, which I detail further in the There She Goes section of the newsletter.
In other news, this week I am making big moves out of New Hampshire, across (most of) the country to Colorado… my new home! To stay up on those updates, follow along here.
Read on for some feel good stuff and Thorn Alexander updates!
Songs To Stitch To, Sing To, Get You Through The Week
C-Side — Khruangbin, Leon Bridges
Burned By The Love (James Carter Remix) — Juke Ross
Set Aside Some Time This Week For Some Self-Care
I. Try something restorative during your typical workout slot — perhaps a restorative yoga class, some stretching/ball rolling in home, or slow and thoughtful walking.
II. Allow nature to nourish you! Step outside barefoot, buy a few herbs (like mint and basil) to keep in your kitchen, spend time around a garden, listen to the ocean or to the wind (depending on location of course 😉) and simply allow the energy of the earth to support and revitalize you.
III. Write down your accomplishments this week, big or small! Make your life a celebration and shine some more light on how awesome you are.
Uplifting Things Happening Around The World
I. A new $8 million greenhouse nursery in Kano, Nigeria is going to make it possible for Nigeria to be self-sufficient in tomato production! What’s more — apparently Nigeria is experiencing an agriculture revolution overall and is on a trajectory to becoming self-sufficient not only in tomatoes, but also rice and poultry.
III. Scientists in Thailand designed an intricate prosthetic flipper for an injured turtle. Now that turtle is able to swim again!
Soulful Salutations
"Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?'" — Martin Luther King
“The biggest problem we all face is the story that we tell ourselves of what our lives have been. It’s keeping us in a box. The ‘cubicle’ you’re really living in is your story.” — Dr. Zach Bush
“Celebrate endings—for they precede new beginnings.” —Jonathan Lockwood Huie
There She Goes
This week I went with some friends to Bend, Oregon. We traveled over a pass in the Cascades from Eugene and, by the time we arrived, it was winter! In contrast to the lush and rainy setting of Portland and Eugene (where we’ve been spending time so far) Bend was bright and snowy 😎. We spent a weekend enjoying the mountain air and then we returned back. The next day my partner, James, and I decided to go the other way (West!) and visit the Oregon coast. W-O-W did we experience some beauty. We stopped at pull-offs along cliffs, we wandered through green groves, and we hiked down to the ocean front. It was nothing short of natural nourishment for the soul! I’ll share a few photos and fun things below!
Sights that have made me say “WOW”
I. The transition from green Eugene to the wintry mix that began over the mountain pass, which I detail a bit further here. It was a simple, clear reminder of the diversity catalyzed by elevation.
II. The sheer number of breweries and coffee roasters in Bend, Oregon. At one point we went to meet up with a friend at a local brewery and accidentally parked at the wrong one… because they were basically back to back!
III. The sound of the ocean (shown above) while moving through the sights of a beautiful lush forest (below). There are some amazing hikes on the coast that bring you right out to the beach by way of a misty/mystical forest!
Fun Facts about Oregon
I. Oregon’s state flag is the only state flag in the United States to have different designs on each side.
II. Crater Lake (in south-central Oregon) is the deepest in the U.S. and is pooled in the remains of a volcano!
III. Oregon residents own one-fourth of the country’s total llama population.
Back In Action (&stock)
Canyon Road Clutch, Whatever Makes Your Soul Happy, Do That & Madame Nicole
Have a stellar week everyone!
Be well,