There She Goes: Mystical Musings

Hello & Happy Wednesday!


This week I caught up with a family friend and at one point she said, “I just love October, I wish it was 6 months long!” Other than the fact that this month is her wedding anniversary, she talked about how simply magical this time of year is. No matter if you are a believer in the “thin veil” or not, finding ways to appreciate the time we’re in is refreshing. This past weekend I got a group together to go hiking in New Hampshire and I’ll attest that walking with my favorite people, among the fiery Fall foliage did feel pretty mystical. With that, I hope you all find some bits of magic in your week!

Songs To Stitch To, Sing To, Get You Through The Week


Die Young (Echo Mountain Sessions) — Sylvan Esso

Let You Know (Robin Hannibal Rework) — Flume, London Grammer

Flutter — Beau Diako, Raelee Nikole

Set Aside Some Time This Week For Some Self-Care 

I. Have you ever considered making your own rose water? DIY rose water could be amazing to test out, as we move into the drier, colder months. I didn’t realize how easy it could be until I came across this recipe, and now I can’t wait to try! If you’re new to the rose water game, here’s the skinny on it.

II. Do yoga on the go! Some of you may have a habitual meditation and yoga practice, and others may be intending to squeeze it into random parts of the day without ever fully succeeding. I have good news — you can do yoga by simply stretching as you move out of bed, breathing deeply in the car, and being kind to others and yourself. I loved this article that touched on simple ways to do yoga. Are you up for it?

III. Work on “single tasking.” That’s right, there’s nothing sexy anymore about doing a million things at once and tossing your energy all over the place. Try single tasking and see if it helps you remain more focused and makes you more efficient. Spoiler: it probably will! Why is this “self-care” you may ask? Because it maximizes your time and — let’s be real —your time is incredibly precious.

Soulful Salutation


“Numbing vulnerability also dulls our experience of love, joy, belonging, creativity, and empathy. We can’t selectively numb emotion. Numb the dark and you numb the light.” — Brene Brown

“You are CONFIDENT, COMPETENT, and QUALIFIED.” — my bad a$$ friend, an amazing mantra to repeat to yourself

“Sometimes the bravest and most important thing you can do is just show up” — Maya Angelo

Uplifting Things Happening Around The World

I. A police officer in Milwaukee pulled over a car with an out of date registration, and it lead to the officer gifting the driver (a mom) and two daughters with new car seats! It’s really amazing to see this unexpected kindness.

II. Instead of paying off parking tickets in cash, Las Vegas is giving people the option to pay off citations with food donations. This initiative will be in place from October 16 to November 16 and all donations will go to the Helping Hands of Vegas Valley,

III. The cahow, Bermuda’s national bird, has made a comeback from the brink of extinction! This year 73 chicks were born!🐣

Have a great week!

Be well,

Sheila MurrayTravel, Fall