There She Goes: Sneak Peek Inspiration
Brooke has some new designs to share!
Tomorrow, you will get an email called “A letter from Brooke” where you’ll get to see the beauts she’s been working on. We wanted to offer a little something today, so I sprinkled photos into this newsletter of the design inspirations! Take a peek and look forward to full unveil in tomorrow’s email! 💕
Meanwhile on the East Coast… This week there have been a few days where a wintery mix has moved through the Northeast— you know, that kind of weather that’s cold and wet and you can’t decide if it’s snowing or raining or what to wear when you leave the house… that’s the one! Though there is not yet snow sticking around in my front yard, I’ve been inspired to get a few holiday things on the schedule such as a day to bake, a secret Santa with friends, and holiday car writing. I don’t especially love cold and wet weather, so planning events that give me warm fuzzies definitely helps! As always, I included a few self-care ideas in this newsletter, and scheduling happy holiday activities is certainly a part of it!
Songs To Stitch To, Sing To, Get You Through The Week
Alaska (Toby Green Remix) — Maggie Rogers, Toby Green
Deja You — Mikayla Geier
Grow — Kidnap, Leo Stannard
Set Aside Some Time This Week For Some Self-Care
I. Pick out a new recipe you want to share with friends or family during the holiday — be it a cocktail, tea elixir, appetizer spread, or main dish — and try your hand at making it. Testing out new recipes can be really fun and then, when it’s time to share with your group, you know it’ll be a hit!
II. We all know it’s no good to hit the snooze button in the morning. Try this approach to getting out of bed — As you wake up, slowly start to bring awareness into your body. Wiggle fingers and toes, and then count to 10. After 10 you know it’s time to rise and you’ve eased your body into it by giving yourself a specific time frame. This is similar to what you would do at the end of yoga, as you rise to seated from shavasana (final resting posture). See how you feel!
III. Take a quiet walk by yourself. If you can manage, try to walk without listening to any music, podcasts, and without calling a friend. Simply walk around and see if you can call yourself into the presence as you go. This kind of meditative time can be beneficial for your stress level and capacity for joy.
Soulful Salutations
“You are allowed to start over. You are never required to remain stuck or stagnant. The journey is yours to reset whenever you feel like it.” — Minaa B.
“When we fulfill our function, which is to truly love ourselves and share love with others, then true happiness sets in.”
― Gabrielle Bernstein
“To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance” — Oscar Wilde
Uplifting Things Happening Around The World
I. A policeman was investigating a stolen car and, while he did not find the car thief, he did find a Labrador puppy. He brought the dog to the humane society and the owners never came to claim the dog, so the officer (who had been mourning the loss of his own dog) came back and adopted the pup!
II. This is a cool idea — a new bar opened in Austin, Texas and it’s a sober bar. As there are few established social spots for non-drinkers, and bars can be triggering for alcoholics in recovery, this sober bar fosters a safe space for connection and healthy choices.
III. The Storybook Project, a non-profit in Arkansas, is working to connect incarcerated people with their children over the holidays. Volunteers travel to jails throughout the state and allow parents to record audio books and special messages that can be delivered home.
Have a great week!
Be well,